The 5 best types of LinkedIn content, part 2.

This is my weekly digital marketing update. So this week, I thought I'd look at the subject of the 5 best types of LinkedIn content,

So last week, we covered types 1 and 2 and today we're going to look at types 3 and 4. Next week we'll cover type 5, ‘Polls’.next week as they are so controversial they need a slot of their own. Good LinkedIn content plans contain the five best types of content. Last time we covered 1. and 2. Briefly, number 1 was education and information posts and number 2. was behind the scenes posts.

So number 3. are ‘problem-solving stories’.So this is telling people how you solved a problem for a client/customer. Describe the process that you used and what the result was. So that's you showcasing, how you can transform your clients or customers business and why they should engage you.

Number 4. are in-depth ‘how to’ or ‘list’ posts, or articles. I recommend that you post these as a LinkedIn article because that gives you more space these should be 1,500, to 2,000 words. ‘How to do something or a list. For example, ‘The 10, best social media tools so that kind of informative, deeper level post that showcases, your expertise. The good thing about those is you can share them as a regular LinkedIn post when you post (the article) and you can repurpose them as a blog on your website, so they'll be good from an SEO point of view too.

So I'll cover number 5. next week and then the week after cover,the ones that didn't make the top 5, the types of content,and why they didn't make the top five.So, if you want to take your digital marketing to the next level,you want to grow your business, but you want to have the right types of content.Why don't you get in touch? If you're ready to grow I'm ready to help.

Find me on LinkedIn,Twitter or Facebook or by searching for ‘Richard Dawson,Cheshire Digital ‘ and you’ll find my website with my coaching programmes and some additional content that can help you.It would really help me, if you would like, comment,share and subscribe wherever see this video.

I really appreciate you watching all the way through to the end of the video.And of course, I'll see you next time.

You can see the video version of this update HERE

You can find my Digital Marketing Coaching Programmes on my website HERE,

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Richard Dawson

Digital Marketing Strategist and Consultants

Linkedin Content: Part 3 Why Linkedin POLLs work and how to use them well


The 5 best types of LinkedIn content, part 1.